Hours and Prices
Opening Hours (during normal times)
Mondays: 8am – 5pm
Tuesdays: 8am – 5pm
Wednesdays: 8am – 5pm
Thursdays: 8am – 5pm
Fridays: 8am – 5pm
Add-on hours
Breakfast Club: 7am – 8am
After school club: 5 – 6pm
Half days: Either 8am – 12 noon or 1pm – 5pm
Late Fees – to be paid on collection
These are for those picking their dogs up late without booking after school club. The latest after school club can be booked is on drop off in the morning and that is if we have availability. We have limited staff after 5pm.
Collection up to 5.05pm – no fee
Collection up to 5.15pm – £6 extra
Collection up to 5.30pm – £12 extra
Collection up to 5.45 – £18 extra
Collection up to 6pm – £24 extra
After 6pm daycare is closed and we will have to return your dog to you and will have to charge £50 (£24 late fee plus £26 for returning your dog).
If you have any inkling that you are going to be late, we suggest you book after school club – it’s cheaper for you, and we can arrange staff.

School offers
- Clients with more than one dog from the same household: second dog is £20
- Clients taking 5 days a week schooling: you get the 5th day for £20
Transport offers (you may choose only ONE of these):
- Additional dog from same household travels for a £2.50 each way
- Dogs requiring transport for 5 days a week get the 5th day for £3 per trip
Full day £35
To help those who need that bit of extra time in the mornings or after work we run a before and after school group as detailed below. Your dog must be attending the full day service to take advantage of the extra hours.
Breakfast club: (7am – 8am) £6
After school club: (5pm – 6pm) £6
- Please note these prices are inclusive of VAT
- Your doggie must be registered to use our services.
- Please read our terms and conditions to ensure your doggie is suitable.
- Prices effective from 1st April 2021 and are subject to change without prior notice.
Dog Bus Collection/Drop-off Service
Our collection service operates between 6.30am – 8am Monday to Friday
Our drop-off service operates between 4.30pm – 6pm Monday to Friday
Price: £6 per trip within 3 miles of Paws 4 A Day base
Second dog travelling with first dog £2.50
If there is not going to be someone home during these hours, you need to organise a key to be held with us or a key-safe at your home.
Out of hours
Our collection/drop off service is available outside the above hours by appointment. The cost will depend on where you live (based on the outbound mileage @£1.20/mile) and is a minimum of £15 for each trip.
Our collection staff drive crated air-conditioned vehicles and hold DBS certificates.